BestLife.Events is your source to attend or host an awesome Live Event Experience whether it be a 5K run, fundraiser, backyard BBQ, or even a virtual gathering.
Let's connect and let the good times roll!
Overall Health & Safety
To achieve an amazing day of live competition, camaraderie, and support for each other and our community, in these times, it is each of our responsibilities to protect one another, ourselves, and the community at large. What follows is the plan we have created for a safe and healthy event day. We ask that each attendee reads this guide prior to event day and understands what is expected of them as part of the BestLife.Events community. That's right, we want YOU on our Team!
The event management reserves the right to disqualify and ask to leave anyone not following these rules of participation.
If you have any signs or symptoms related to COVID-19 including an elevated temperature … DO NOT ATTEND.
Depending on the event, we can ship your swag, convert you to a virtual participant, or transfer you to a future event.
As per USA Track & Field and our Insurance Policy:
Attendees who have a documented case of COVID-19 must have a written letter from a physician indicating they are cleared to compete.
Participants must perform a self-temperature check prior to arrival at the event.
Attendees must not be experiencing any symptoms related to COVID-19, must not have been around anyone who was sick in the past 14 days, and must not have travelled internationally or to a travel advisory state in the past 14 days.
Event Day Safety Survey – Participant Statement & Advisory (Please see below to read the text prior to event day.)
On event day, your verbal confirmation and acceptance of this document upon arrival will be required.
Distancing, Masks, & Sanitizing - oh my!
No bag check to limit contact between attendees and volunteers/staff. Avoid bringing extra items to the site or stash them in your vehicle.
Where to spend time on-site
Upon arrival (max of 30 minutes prior to your assigned start time) report to the check-in tent (if you were not able to attend a packet pick-up) and wait on a socially distanced arrow; once at the check-in table, give your name and wait behind the line to receive your bib and shirt.
Between check-in and assigned start time, seek a socially distanced area at the event site or return to your car. Don't congregate near check-in, the music, or the starting chutes.
Report to the starting chutes 5 minutes prior to your assigned start time and advance to the start line along the socially distanced ground markings. YOU MUST WEAR YOUR MASK INTO THE CHUTE AND ONLY REMOVE IT WHEN YOU START YOUR RUN.
After your run or walk, enjoy your refreshments from a socially distanced area at the event site or your car prior to departing. Don't congregate at the finish area or refreshment tent.
Required at all times on the event site
Required to be worn properly over both the nose and mouth (no chin diapers people!)
Do not lower or remove your mask when speaking to someone. Yes, it is a little harder to hear, but speaking near someone is one of the most vulnerable times for transmitting respiratory droplets. Suck it up, buttercup!
Required to be carried on course, but not required to be worn while running or walking
except when you can not maintain a minimum of 6' social distance (12' preferred while in motion)
except when passing others (and please announce yourself generally with an "ON YOUR LEFT")
Social Distancing
Always respect the personal space of others
Maintain a minimum of 6’ separation from other attendees and crew
Pass widely on course to maintain a minimum of 6’ distance (preferably 12’), put on your mask whenever this is not possible, slow down if necessary and announce your intention to pass so the other party has the opportunity to also put on their mask. A choice between a PR and risking health isn't really a choice, don't you agree?
Sanitizing Stations
Hand sanitizer can be found at check-in, restrooms, event site water table, course water station, finish/refreshments.
Sanitizing wipes can be found at the restrooms, at the event site water table, and at the course water station.
Please wait on the socially distanced arrows if there is a line.
Always wash your hands as per CDC recommended guidelines whenever leaving the restroom (and perhaps even upon entering).
Please NO spitting on-site or on the course...I know, "but we're runners!"...but No, not in 2020 our friends.
Cough/sneeze away from people and into your elbow
Remember that in 2020 it is perfectly polite AND expected to NOT shake hands or high 5
Smiles and good vibes are always welcome!
Water & Refreshments
Individual sealed water bottles will be available at the event site, but it is recommended you bring your own for increased safety.
The course water station will only have individual sealed bottles (no grab n’ go cups). It is recommended that you bring your own water for the course in a hydration pack or favorite water bottle to alleviate any congestion near the water station and in a completely different realm of existence...to reduce our environmental impact!
Our refreshment tents will feature individually packed items or items to be distributed by our team. Refreshments tents will be open after you finish your run. Please enjoy the refreshments from a socially distanced area at the event site or your car prior to departing. We ask that you please do not congregate at the finish area or refreshment tent to ensure a safe environment for all.
All The Other Non-Conformist-Doesn't Fit In Another Category Stuff
Many of our events will be pre-registration online only and may have to comply with local capacity restrictions. Sign-up early!
Staggered Assigned Start Times
Expect to receive your starting time via email a few days prior to the event.
Plan to arrive at the event site a maximum of 30 minutes prior to your start time.
Report to the starting chutes 5 minutes prior to your assigned start time.
There will be socially distanced arrows within the chutes to keep you safe.
Results & Awards
Results are by CHIP time as there is no one official “gun time”.
Printed results will not be displayed to avoid close congregating.
Finish times will be available quickly after you cross the finish line on BestRace.com/Mobile (places will not be official or final until all runners have finished) and full official results will be available later on the event website.
Many of our events will not have an on-site awards ceremony, again to avoid close congregating.
Spectators: Unfortunately, many of our events may not be able to welcome spectators as we face restricted gathering limits and strict event capacities. We thank you for your understanding.
Event Day Safety Survey – Participant Statement & Advisory
Your verbal confirmation and acceptance of this document upon arrival will be required on event day.
Participant Statement
I certify that I have
performed a self-temperature check today and attest that my temperature was below 100.4 F.
not experienced any signs or symptoms related to COVID-19 within the past 7 days or if I have that it has been a full 72 hours since all signs or symptoms have fully resolved.
not been in close or sustained contact with anyone who was sick within the past 14 days.
not traveled internationally to a location with widespread ongoing transmission of covid-19 per the CDC or on a cruise ship/river boat within the past 14 days.
self-quarantined for 14 days after arrival from a state on NJ’s travel advisory list.
I agree to wear a face covering/mask at all times while on the event site:
except while on the course and except when passing or not able to maintain proper social distance (6’ minimum, 12’ preferred while in motion);
unless I have a medical condition where face coverings/mask wearing is contra-indicated.
I understand the risks and possibility of contracting covid-19 or any other virus at an in-person gathering.
I take personal responsibility for that risk to my own health and safety.
I agree to protect myself and others by following event mask-wearing protocol
Advisory to Participants
It is strongly recommended that individuals considered by the CDC to be “at-risk” NOT participate in any capacity. This would include individuals who are/have:
Over age 65
Living in nursing home
(or live with someone with) certain underlying medical conditions.
If these “at-risk” individuals choose to participate, it is recommended that they get clearance from their healthcare provider.
As per our insurance policy, participants who have a documented case of COVID-19 must have a written letter from a physician indicating they are cleared to compete.
Event Day Health & Safety Rules - Attendee Expectations
(in great detail or in other words our GREAT EXPECTATIONS)