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The BestLife.Events initiative is brought to you by the Sports Action Reaction,, and Get Off The Couch NJ team (same team, but you may recognize us by one or all of these names) and you may know us for some of the live events we've brought to you over the years including Westfield Turkey Trot, Barn-B-Q Trail Festival, October Beerfest 5K & Lawn Games Tourney, and a multitude of local charity runs benefiting amazing non-profits. As of April 2020, we have begun adding virtual events to our offerings for the times when we can't be together but still want to feel connected to one another. Whether we gather in person or through shared goals and social media, we strive to bring you outstanding experiences to benefit you and your well being, foster human connections through shared activity, and support some wonderful organizations along the way. 

Who we are and what we're about

Contact Us

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Our goals and who we strive to be:

The past few years have been eye-opening to some problems our running community faces both globally and locally. Change starts at home with our own events. Going forward we strive to make our events wholly inclusive, diverse, equitable, welcoming to all, and environmentally friendly. We know this will be an ongoing journey, but it starts by announcing our intention. We need your help! As a member of our local running community, please reach out if you have any feedback or suggestions on how to attain these goals. It'll take Teamwork and fresh insights to get there!

We're Listening:

Something to share about a good or bad event experience? Have questions or concerns about attending? Suggestions? Send us a message through the form above or email We're all in this together!

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